Dermot Biography

Hi everyone and welcome to my website. I am a singer songwriter from a town called Castleblayney in County Monaghan, Ireland. My influences are many and they include Gordon Lightfoot, Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Don Mc Lean ,Bruce Springsteen, The Beatles, Abba, Eagles, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys ,Rod Stewart, Tom Jones, Elvis, Elton John, Billy Joel  to name only a few. I also love modern artists such as Ed Sheeran, Billy Eilish, Paulo Nutini, Kings of Leon and Coldplay. I’ve been lucky enough to see and hear many of these artists at their concerts. 

                                          I have been a member of several bands playing around Ireland although at the moment I’m concentrating on writing my own songs. I hope to upload many songs in the coming months and bring my profile to people’s attention. When I sing I usually play my keyboard or guitar and I tend to compose songs in various different genres such as Country, Pop, Country Rock and Rock. I guess most of my songs would fall in the category of ‘Easy Listening’. I really hope you like my songs and that you will share them with your friends!

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